HIER: alles zu 'Queen Extravaganza' 2012 ...

Infos und Aktuelles über die Touren von Queen+ und Solo

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The Miracle
The Miracle
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HIER: alles zu 'Queen Extravaganza' 2012 ...

Beitrag von Juan »

soeben kam die Meldung von queenonline.com herein, dass das Line-Up für das Tour-Projekt steht:



(Los Angeles, CA – December 8, 2011) Four decades later, the music of Queen hasn’t just survived, it’s thrived. The band, who recently received the “Global Icon Award” at the MTV European Music Awards, has sold more than 300 million albums, 16 of which were No. 1 chart-toppers. They’ve written and recorded 18 No. 1 singles, played over 700 live concerts in every part of the world, have amassed a planet-wide fanbase whose members number in the hundreds of millions, and remain one of the most influential groups of all time. And to hear Queen drummer Roger Taylor tell it, they’re just getting started. The last thing they are doing is standing still.

2012 will see the launch of “The Queen Extravaganza Tour,” a grand touring production booked by powerhouse agency CAA that will celebrate the music of Queen. Coming on board to ensure the touring show will match the design and excitement of Queen at its best will be such rock tour heavyweights as stage designer Mark Fisher (U2, AC/DC, Muse, The Rolling Stones, Cirque de Soleil) and lighting designer Rob Sinclair (Adele, Vampire Weekend, Goldfrapp, Peter Gabriel).

Taylor will oversee this royal road show, taking the role of producer and music director, with Brian May involved later in the production, but Taylor’s most important role, however, was leading the judges, Spike Edney (Queen’s keyboard player since the mid 80’s and Trip Khalaf (Queen’s eternal sound engineer) in hand picking the musicians that will be featured on the tour. And after 11 weeks of reviewing online auditions and weighing votes from Queen fans around the world, Taylor is ready to announce the line-up.

“As the audition videos began posting, we could see right away that the caliber of talent was very high,” says Taylor. “But when I got into the studio with the final 25 musicians, I realized that these guys are seriously good players. They went way beyond my expectations. It was an incredibly difficult decision to choose the final line-up. I wish I could've kept them all, but in the end, I'm very happy with this group of exceptional musicians."

“The Queen Extravaganza” band line-up will be:

VOCALS - Jennifer Espinoza (San Antonio, TX)

VOCALS - Marc Martel (Montreal, QC / Nashville,TN)

GUITAR - Tristan Avakian (Toronto, ON)

GUITAR - Brian Gresh (Tulsa, OK)

DRUMS - Tyler Warren (Camden, TN)

BASS - Francois-Olivier Doyon (Quebec City, QC)

“What an amazing and unexpected opportunity to come our way – not to mention the timing of it all for me,” said Marc Martel, whose audition video for “Somebody to Love” earned him an MTV O Award and an appearance on the Ellen Degeneres Show. “Having gotten to know the other contest winners a bit in LA, I’m confident we have what it takes to gel as a unit and give our best to do justice to some of the best rock music ever recorded. I am so thankful for the chance to do this. Gonna be Fun!”
"Menschen sind gut darin, Neues zu erfinden, aber sehr schlecht darin, die Folgen abzuschätzen ... Wie weit darf, wie weit soll Forschung gehen? Und wer zieht eigentlich die Grenze?“
(Aus: "Human Nature", britische Doku von Adam Bolt 2019)
The Miracle
The Miracle
Beiträge: 787
Registriert: 12.04.2004 10:41 Uhr
Wohnort: Hansestadt Rostock an der Ostsee

Re: HIER: alles zu 'Queen Extravaganza' 2012 ...

Beitrag von Juan »

... und hier hinterlege ich so nach und nach mal alle Infos aus den Medien, die ich so gefunden habe (auch zurückliegende). Selbstverständlich kann das auch jedes andere Foren-Mitglied genauso tun: ...

Queen gehen 2012 in den USA auf Tour - ohne Queen

http://relevant.at/kultur/musik/244403/ ... ueen.story
Zuletzt geändert von Juan am 17.12.2011 17:27 Uhr, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
"Menschen sind gut darin, Neues zu erfinden, aber sehr schlecht darin, die Folgen abzuschätzen ... Wie weit darf, wie weit soll Forschung gehen? Und wer zieht eigentlich die Grenze?“
(Aus: "Human Nature", britische Doku von Adam Bolt 2019)
The Miracle
The Miracle
Beiträge: 787
Registriert: 12.04.2004 10:41 Uhr
Wohnort: Hansestadt Rostock an der Ostsee

Re: HIER: alles zu 'Queen Extravaganza' 2012 ...

Beitrag von Juan »

Queen stellen eigene Tribute-Band zusammen

http://www.musikmarkt.de/Aktuell/News/N ... -mit-Video
"Menschen sind gut darin, Neues zu erfinden, aber sehr schlecht darin, die Folgen abzuschätzen ... Wie weit darf, wie weit soll Forschung gehen? Und wer zieht eigentlich die Grenze?“
(Aus: "Human Nature", britische Doku von Adam Bolt 2019)