QUEEN - The Studio Experience (Montreux)

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Moderatoren: Andreas Streng, Breakthru

Made In Heaven
Made In Heaven
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Registriert: 05.03.2005 22:27 Uhr

QUEEN - The Studio Experience (Montreux)

Beitrag von MAYniac »

Eine Ausstellung, die ich mir auf jeden Fall ansehen werde. Schaut alles sehr vielversprechend aus!

Kai Kurgan
Beiträge: 1497
Registriert: 13.04.2004 21:35 Uhr
Wohnort: Hinterm Deich

Re: QUEEN - The Studio Experience (Montreux)

Beitrag von Kai Kurgan »

Ja, klingt sehr interessant! Ich war im Juli in Montreux.... da hätte ich das gerne noch mitgenommen beim Sightseeing :-(
I´m going slightly mad...
Queen Area
Made In Heaven
Made In Heaven
Beiträge: 1220
Registriert: 05.03.2005 22:27 Uhr

Re: QUEEN - The Studio Experience (Montreux)

Beitrag von MAYniac »

Wer hätte denn Interesse an einer gemeinsamen Tour zur Ausstellung?
Kai Kurgan
Beiträge: 1497
Registriert: 13.04.2004 21:35 Uhr
Wohnort: Hinterm Deich

Re: QUEEN - The Studio Experience (Montreux)

Beitrag von Kai Kurgan »

Läuft die Geschichte nicht nur für begrenzte Zeit? Wenn es im kommenden Jahr noch eine Möglichkeit gäbe, hätte ich schon Interesse.
I´m going slightly mad...
Queen Area
Andreas Streng
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Re: QUEEN - The Studio Experience (Montreux)

Beitrag von Andreas Streng »

Kai Kurgan hat geschrieben:Läuft die Geschichte nicht nur für begrenzte Zeit?
Die aktuelle Info ist, daß es auf unbestimmte Zeit läuft.

Bis dann
Kai Kurgan
Beiträge: 1497
Registriert: 13.04.2004 21:35 Uhr
Wohnort: Hinterm Deich

Re: QUEEN - The Studio Experience (Montreux)

Beitrag von Kai Kurgan »

Na, das klingt doch sehr gut. Wie sieht es denn im Frühjahr aus mit event. Interessenten?
I´m going slightly mad...
Queen Area
Made In Heaven
Made In Heaven
Beiträge: 1220
Registriert: 05.03.2005 22:27 Uhr

Re: QUEEN - The Studio Experience (Montreux)

Beitrag von MAYniac »

Ich wäre dabei...
Flash Gordon
Flash Gordon
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Re: QUEEN - The Studio Experience (Montreux)

Beitrag von Roland »

... als Wochenend-Trip?
Made In Heaven
Made In Heaven
Beiträge: 1220
Registriert: 05.03.2005 22:27 Uhr

Re: QUEEN - The Studio Experience (Montreux)

Beitrag von MAYniac »

Das wird wohl am ehesten lohnenswert sein!
Made In Heaven
Made In Heaven
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Re: QUEEN - The Studio Experience (Montreux)

Beitrag von Q-Freddie »

Wir kommen mit, wenn am Wochenende!

Thuringia rocks
Was man tief in seinem Herzen besitzt, kann man nicht durch den Tod verlieren.
Made In Heaven
Made In Heaven
Beiträge: 1220
Registriert: 05.03.2005 22:27 Uhr

Re: QUEEN - The Studio Experience (Montreux)

Beitrag von MAYniac »

Super... ich denke wir sollten im Januar dann mit der festen Planung beginnen!
Made In Heaven
Made In Heaven
Beiträge: 1220
Registriert: 05.03.2005 22:27 Uhr

Re: QUEEN - The Studio Experience (Montreux)

Beitrag von MAYniac »

Greg Brooks hat es ganz treffend auf den Punkt gebracht...

Referring to The Queen Studio Experience, permanent exhibition in Montreux, someone wrote elsewhere here on QZ recently, "Sounds like a great thing - I'd love to visit one day."

I would like to say this... and as you know, I rarely if ever rave over much. I'll make an exception for this.

It is indeed a great thing. It's actually very significant, and perhaps more than some of you might realise - as I don't know if the press release is widely available or not.

When you arrive at this enigmatic and hugely atmospheric place, and step inside the room where all four Queen band members once wrote, created, recorded together, you are immediately aware that you're in 'the place to be' for any real and true Queen fan.

You are in the actual room where Freddie Mercury recorded his very last vocal performances. The actual spot where he stood is marked on the floor. It's rather chilling on some levels. It may even move you.

Then, if you wish, you can sit at the mightily impressive control desk and mix the vocals, bass, gtr, piano, drums, etc, on some wonderful songs that Queen recorded there in that room, at that desk, with trusted co-producer David Richards by their side. You can play at being the sound engineer at one of those legendary sessions that gave us Mother Love and A Winter's Tale. Turn up the bass, turn down the voice. A little more gtr, a little less piano. You decide.

It is a magical experience, and there is no other space in this world like it. It has a unique place in Queen history and, in my opinion, you do actually 'feel' it... unless you're a cold and insensitive soul, of course. Like Freddie wrote, you have to open up your mind and step inside, to take the most away from it.

I went out to the venue a few weeks back and set up 7 or 8 display cabinets. Nice big lovely expensive (and SECURE) glass cases, not tiny boxes. They're great! There are some fab things to see, some of them for the very first time. Brian's original handwritten lyrics for 'Tie Your Mother Down' for example, which we only found at the house this year! There is, to my mind anyway, truly startling Queen history to look at in your own time, so take your time. I love such things; I could spend all day just looking at the handwritten lyrics. Roger's Action This Day lyrics are there too, and examples from John and Freddie!!

There is much to see and take in, much to hear, and the control room alone makes the visit worthwhile.

Stop and imagine for a moment; yourself standing on the very same spot that Freddie stood when he sang his very last songs. The room in which he downed that vodka and, as Brian recalled, just "went for it!" And then... you can listen, on brilliant speakers, to the final result of those sessions. The clarity and starkness will shock you!!!! Be prepared for this. There are other surprises in that room too.

My colleague Justin went out after me, to set up the sound system and mix faders, etc, and he has offered 'something' there, for you guys to ponder, (which i'll not disclose now) which is extremely interesting, and a first. Justin was there too during Queen's final recording sessions together. It's quite a thought, isn't it!

There are many subtle things to take in at this QSE. It's not merely exhibits and clinical text on walls. This exhibition is the first of its kind. It's largely about 'feeling' the place and taking in all that happened there back in 1978/79, during the early and late 80s, and of course in 1991.

It is very special and it's definitely worth the journey - or pilgrimage, might be a better word.

Seriously (I can be sometimes!!!)... you'll love this exhibition. You'll love Montreux if you've never been before. You can see the Freddie statue too, and other breathtaking scenes and blissful landscapes. And swans floating by. And if you see me there, you really ought to offer me a beer as a small thank you for this insight.

I know I sound like a publicity man, but that wasn't the intent. I'm excited about this, it's a genuinely great experience, so I thought I'd share a little.

Go see it.
Andreas Streng
Beiträge: 8065
Registriert: 11.04.2004 15:44 Uhr
Wohnort: Dortmund

Re: QUEEN - The Studio Experience (Montreux)

Beitrag von Andreas Streng »

Ja, besser als jeder Werbetext. Klingt magisch!

Bis dann
Andreas Streng
Beiträge: 8065
Registriert: 11.04.2004 15:44 Uhr
Wohnort: Dortmund

Re: QUEEN - The Studio Experience (Montreux)

Beitrag von Andreas Streng »

Ich habe die Info in die News übernommen. Danke!

Bis dann
Kai Kurgan
Beiträge: 1497
Registriert: 13.04.2004 21:35 Uhr
Wohnort: Hinterm Deich

Re: QUEEN - The Studio Experience (Montreux)

Beitrag von Kai Kurgan »

Das klingt wirklich gut. Gute Idee, Mayniac - lasst uns im Januar mal was austüfteln... :-)
I´m going slightly mad...
Queen Area