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Made In Heaven
Made In Heaven
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Registriert: 05.03.2005 22:27 Uhr

Es kommt Leben in die königlichen Archive!

Beitrag von MAYniac »

Hier ein Ausschnitt eines aktuellen Interviews (Dezember 2014) mit dem Chefarchivar Greg Brooks, der bezüglich geplanter Veröffentlichungen, ein klares Statement beinhaltet. Ich denke wir dürfen durchaus freudig gestimmt in die Zukunft schauen.

"Clearly the recent Live at the Rainbow '74 products prove conclusively, even to the moaniest of the moaning Moanzone moaners here, that the work goes on. And long may it continue if recent product is anything to judge by.

I spent a year of my life working on those boxes with our small but dedicated team, and like every other fan I've spoken to about them, since they emerged in all their purple glory, I think they are amazing.

Rather like the actual concerts themselves, those products (particularly the 4-LP and deluxe boxes) are utterly stunning, and elegant, over-the-top, and worth waiting for, on various levels. I witnessed my friend Jim Jenkins actually moved to tears by the November concert when he saw this latest rendition on screen for the first time, earlier this year. I for one was, and remain, extremely proud of these things, and being part of them.

Some of the more observant among you will have noticed there was a significant archive element to the boxes, and extensive sleeve notes and photographic research, etc. Those archive and research type elements are part of an Archivist's job. They didn't magically appear one day. There are some very lovely pieces of memorabilia in the box for you guys to look at too; rare Queen treasures to touch, feel, experience. And many of you will never have seen or held such things before - this will have been a first. We brought these stunning little details (like Brian's original 1974 tour Itinerary and promo sticker, and his mum's tickets and dad's hand-drawn map) right to your fingertips for the first time. That's a good thing isn't it!?

Every single review I read (be it from a professional journo, or a fan) was positive and flattering. And now there are more projects of this type on the radar and they too will require extensive archival research on various levels. That's a good thing too, isn't it!? Or should we not bother!

The next stunning Queen concert gem is being considered carefully right now. This week, we are in the archive again looking into precisely what we have to offer you guys next, and that includes which items of memorabilia are the most interesting and rare. It will be something exciting and on a par with 'Live At The Rainbow '74'. PLUS, there are several other projects in the pipeline that fans like you and me have been waiting decades to have and enjoy. They are coming!!

A lot of this stuff begins… where?…. in the archive which the band carefully and meticulously gathered, and which has all been sorted and logged and scrutinised… and not by fairies or fairy kings."
Kai Kurgan
Beiträge: 1497
Registriert: 13.04.2004 21:35 Uhr
Wohnort: Hinterm Deich

Re: Es kommt Leben in die königlichen Archive!

Beitrag von Kai Kurgan »

Das klingt in der Tat sehr viel versprechend! Und wenn "Rainbow ´74" die Referenz für kommende Projekte ist, dann verkrafte ich andere "Ausfälle" gerne.
I´m going slightly mad...
Queen Area