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Elton John und Queen + Adam Lambert

Elton John und Queen + Adam Lambert
30.06.2012, 20:00 h
Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) - Kiew
Queen + Adam Lambert


Hier die offizielle Pressemitteilung zum Benefizkonzert von Elton John und Queen + Adam Lambert zu Gunsten der ANTIAIDS Foundation von Elena Pinchuk.

Zeitangaben in Ukraine-Zeit.

Queen + Adam Lambert and Elton John To Play ANTIAIDS Show in Kiev

The day before the EURO 2012 final Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation together with Elton John and Queen will partake in a match against AIDS.

On June 30th 2012 in Kiev, Ukraine, at Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) a grand charity concert dedicated to the fight against HIV/AIDS will take place. Good friends of Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation as well as colleagues in fighting AIDS, legendary stars Elton John and Queen with Adam Lambert will rock Kiev to say: "Your life is not a game! Let's stop AIDS together". This concert will be the largest social and cultural event of EURO 2012. It will gather hundreds of thousands of people on the main square of Ukraine and be seen by millions of viewers on TV screens throughout Ukraine and Poland.

In recognition of the importance and the charitable status of this project, the musicians who will perform on that night will waive their fees.

The concert will be held under UEFA support one day before the EURO 2012 final in the official FAN zone of the football Championship. It will be broadcasted live on Ukrainian and Polish Television.

"On June 30th at the main square of our country the most titled and bright English team of Elton John and Queen will play for Ukraine against AIDS" - Elena Pinchuk said at the press-conference devoted to the concert announcement which was held today, June 7th 2012.

VIP guests will have an opportunity to make charitable donation for the new joint project of the Elton John AIDS Foundation and Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation aimed at educating Ukrainian children about HIV/AIDS using symbols and rules of football.

This is not the first time that the artists who will be taking part in the concert are visiting Kiev with the charitable mission of helping fight AIDS in Ukraine and to protect millions of people against HIV-infection. Their cooperation with Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation has a longstanding history.

Sir Elton John, whose AIDS Foundation has been working in Ukraine since 2002, first joined forces with the Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation in 2007 with a free national concert and a joint nationwide programme aimed at helping HIV-positive children. Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation provided a grant of 2.5 million USD for the five-year project "Children+", which was also supported by the Big Lottery Fund from the UK. To date, the programme has directly supported over 3,000 children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.

In 2011 the two Foundations presented a second  initiative to the public - a new joint charity project  providing prevention and care services for  homeless girls and young women who live and work on the streets of Kiev, one in five of whom are living with HIV.

One of the lasting results of a concert by Queen + Paul Rodgers at the Kharkov Plosha Svobody (the Liberty Square) organized in cooperation with the Mercury Phoenix Trust (www.mercuryphoenixtrust.com) in September 2008 was a  new care centre for HIV-positive children in the Zelenogaisky orphanage in Kharkov which was repaired and renovated using the funds raised  the concert.

Thanks to the ongoing media campaigns of the ANTIAIDS Foundation, the support of world-famous stars such as Sir Elton John and Queen,  and numerous projects aimed to help people living with HIV/AIDS implemented by partner organizations, it became possible to reduce the growth rate of new HIV cases in Ukraine by five times in the last five years.

Elton John AIDS Founation:

The Elton John AIDS Foundation (EJAF) is one of the foremost independent AIDS charities in the world. Its mission is to provide focused and sustainable funding to frontline programmes that help to alleviate the physical, emotional and financial hardship of those living with, affected by or at risk of HIV/AIDS, and to continue the fight against this worldwide pandemic.

Following the loss of many close friends to AIDS in the early 90s, including Freddie Mercury and seeing the lack of understanding and stigma attached to the disease at that time, Sir Elton John established the Foundation in the UK in 1993. EJAF UK focuses its grant-making on programmes in Africa, Asia and Europe. Since its establishment, EJAF has raised over $225m worldwide and supported more than 2000 programmes in 55 countries across 4 continents (www.ejaf.com)

For more information please contact: Anne Aslett, Executive Director on Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

The ANTIAIDS Foundation (www.antiaids.org) was founded by Elena Pinchuk in 2003. Today this is the first and sole charitable organization committed to fighting against AIDS in Ukraine operating on private donations. During nine years of its work the Foundation deals constantly with HIV/AIDS prevention and provides help to people living with HIV/AIDS. The Foundation seeks to work at all levels from large national projects to targeted direct assistance to people affected by AIDS epidemic. The Foundation also regularly provides help to medical institutions and orphanages where HIV-positive children live. At the initiative of the Foundation mobile clinics were set up to help HIV-positive children who are living in remote regions of Ukraine. Elena Pinchuk "ANTIAIDS" Foundation also develops and implements social preventive and educational programs aimed at young audience. Among these programs is a project for homeless girls and young women vulnerable to HIV infection (in collaboration with the Elton John AIDS Foundation). The Foundation also implements innovative and interactive projects using web-technologies: social service maps.antiaids.org together with Google, the online auction  "Star for Sale" together with Korrespondent.net, Fashion AID, a joint project with The Coca-Cola Foundation - Safe Connection.


Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square)


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