Hairy Groupies: Don't Try So Hard

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Hairy Groupies: Don't Try So Hard

Beitrag von Andreas Streng »

VÖ 12. Juli 2024

Hairy Groupies: Don't Try So Hard

Hairy Groupies: Don't Try So Hard

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Infos über das Projekt unter Innuendo: A Tribute To Queen.


Rhythmical drums, distorted guitars, strong bass lines in combination to a front female vocals with polyphonic vocals are the major elements characterizing this young Glam-rock formation from Jihlava, Czech Republic. Their live performances are typical of a stylish image, large stage scene and great pyrotechnical show provided by the band's stage crew. With its specificity and straightforward original author music the band will enrich the line-up of any event and thanks to that it is increasingly appearing at big Czech and Slovak Music Festivals. (The Legend Rockfest, Eurobikefest, SuperRally, Motonlet, US Cars Show Krkonose and many others...) The band can be heard not only at open air festivals but also at club scenes as a part of a tour with one of the KISS most prestigious revivalists.
The band's first immodest goal was the cooperation with producer Jan Nemec (Grave Digger, Michael Schenker, Kreyson, Citron) and co-producer Jaroslav Barton (Limetall, ex-Citron, ex-Kreyson). The recording at the German Magic Minds Studios in 2017 resulted in the first debut EP named Volume l. for which the band recorded also two music videos "Feel the Night" and the video teaser as a cross section to the entire EP.
In 2021 the band provided its new album demo to the famous American producer and musician Dennis Ward (co-producer of the new Halloween album, member of Unisonic, Magnum, Gus G band and former member of Pink Cream 69) which opened a great cooperation to the recording of the new album in Dennis Wards's Recording studio Kangaroo Studios in Karsdorf, Germany. Two and half weeks later the recording of the album was finished. It's time for mixing and mastering. Since everything was now in the hands of Dennis Ward who had made the sound of the best albums of this genre the perfect result of the work is done. The publisher was not difficult to find afterwards. From Several offers the band agreed to sign up to the German label 7hard of Hans Derer. The new album "Glamnization" is out and is shortly being officially released by the famous Czech actor Jan Antonin Duchoslav. The band chooses the Alfedus agency and under the director Marek Dobes they made a music video to the single called "Illusory Man" where the main role is taken by the well-known and popular film actor Miroslav Nosek. More music videos for the new album are now being prepared.

Song Facts:
This song has a lyric full of stock adages about overcoming obstacles with courage and conviction, but they're made more trenchant in context of Freddie Mercury's condition. The Queen frontman was dying of AIDS when he recorded it, determined to make as much music as he could before he passed on. Fans didn't know this until his death in November 1991, nine months after the Innuendo album was released.
Freddie Mercury wrote this, but it was credited to the entire band due to an agreement they had some years before.
The atmospheric noises in the intro are the preset sound of the Korg M1 keyboard each time it is turned on. The notes that the Korg M1 plays are: E A D G B E, which are the notes on any 6-string guitar in Italian tuning. The notes are played one octave higher.

Fan Rating:
A stunning, powerful ballad,but unfortunately a very underrated song. I've hardly ever seen a song, which has so great dynamics and emotions. Queen show that they can have silence as well as over the top power in one song, mixed together with complex musical structures. Before writing this article, I haven«t listened to this song for a long time. But now, as I«ve rediscovered it, I'm pulling my hat before Queen. Innuendo is probably one of their best albums, and this song contributes to this. Listen to it at night with headphones!!

Freddie's great lead-vocals are reverbed and have a gentle stereo-delay in the chorus. In the bridge Brian, Roger and Freddie are doing backing vocals with 4-5 voice tracks. Shortly before the solo, there are also some voice samples used.

I've read lots of reviews of Innuendo, but strangely no-one ever mentioned this song in his review. There's much speculation about the main-writer of this song. Most people used to think John had written it because, apparently, there had to be a song by him on every album. While that happened most of the times, it didn't happen always as, in fact, John wrote no full songs for the Innuendo album and Don't Try So Hard is Freddie's.

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