The Queen Extravaganza

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The Queen Extravaganza

Beitrag von Dr_May »

Erste Vorabinfos findet man im Queenonline-Forum vom Admin.

The full launch takes place on Monday after Roger has given a exclusive interview with Rolling Stone magazine.

However the basics are that The Queen Extravaganza is a live touring show celebrating and paying tribute to the songs, style and vision of Queen and part of this is that Roger is launching an American talent search that will offer vocalists and musicians the opportunity to star in it.

These guys will get a real paid job as part of this production. All the auditions will be online until the last round when Roger will check out the players who have made it through in a band setting - these sessions will be filmed available for viewing.
Follow that dream

02.10.2008 Mannheim * 04.10.2008 Hannover *07.10.2008 Rotterdam * 08.10.2008 Esch-sur-Alzette * 18.10.2008 Liverpool * 07.11.2008 o2 * 08.11.2008 Wembley
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Re: The Queen Extravaganza

Beitrag von runner70 »

C-lebrity. EIne eigene Casting Show für Queen. Gehts noch schlimmer? Also was die heuer anstellen geht langsam auf keine Kuhhaut mehr
All that crap again???? (Freddie Mercury)
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Re: The Queen Extravaganza

Beitrag von Bananatree »

Die Idee ist ja ganz nett, aber irgendwie grault es mich schon vor den ersten Ergebnissen. Warum nicht einige Konzerte mit Roger und Brian in ausgewählten Städten, mit Freddie ab und zu auf der großen Leinwand - die Idee war mal da, scheint aber auch wieder hinter den Kühlschrank gerutscht zu sein.
Größter Minuspunkt ist dabei aber eigentlich, dass das alles nur im Amiland stattfindet. Also für Leute wie uns völlig uninteressant.
Man sieht nie einen Regenbogen, wenn man immer nach unten schaut.
- Charlie Chaplin
Made In Heaven
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Re: The Queen Extravaganza

Beitrag von queenrocks »

Am 19.09.2011 gibt Roger Taylor dem amerikanischen "Rolling Stone Magazine" ein Exklusiv-Interview über den Launch von "The Queen Extravaganza", bei welcher talentierte Sänger und Musiker in North America für eine Tribute Live Touring Show in den USA 2012 mit dem Titel "Queen Extravaganza Live Tour" gesucht werden. In einer Pressemitteilung wird bekanntgegeben, dass Roger Taylor der Producer und Musical Director für das gesamte Projekt ist. Für das Stage Design der Live Tour ist Mark Fisher (U2, AC/DC, Rolling Stones, Muse) und für das Lightning Design Rob Sinclair (u.a. Peter Gabriel) verantwortlich. Die Auditions, bei welchen eine 5-köpfige Band (Vocalist, Guitarist, Drummer, Bass Player und Keyboard Player) plus 3 Vocalisten gesucht werden, beginnen am 19.09.2011 mit dem gleichzeitigen Launch der Website . Zwei Video Audition-Runden werden online durchgeführt und von einem ernannten Gremium beurteilt. Bei der Final Audition Anfang Dezember 2011 in Los Angeles wird Roger Taylor als Juror die Musiker in der Entscheidungsrunde der Talentsuche persönlich auswählen. Alle Sessions werden von der weltführenden Music Video and Entertainment Platform VEVO gefilmt und der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt.


The Queen Extravaganza - Trailer Clip ... 9EydYP4Pc8
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A.Q.F.C.V. - Austrian Queen Fan Club Vienna
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Re: The Queen Extravaganza

Beitrag von queenrocks »

Pressemitteilung vom 19.09.2011

The Queen Extravaganza

Queen Drummer Roger Taylor To Launch North American Talent Search

Vevo To Unveil Exclusive Footage From Each Audition Round And Finals

Winner Will Be Part Of The Queen Extravaganza Live Tour Launching In 2012

Auditions Begin September 19th

As part of this year’s celebration of Queen’s 40th anniversary, Queen drummer/songwriter/singer Roger Taylor is launching a North American talent search that will offer “s**t hot vocalists and musicians” the opportunity to star in the Queen Extravaganza Live Tour. Taylor will endeavour to assemble the most talented band to perform Queen’s music, outside of Queen themselves, of course, to carry on the celebration. Auditions begin September 19th at and the tour, booked by powerhouse agency CAA, launches in 2012.

Auditions are open to vocalists, guitarists, drummers, bass players and keyboard players.

“The Queen Extravaganza will not be a traditional tribute show,” says Taylor. “It’s a brand-new show specially designed to enable fans to celebrate the music of Queen in a heart-stopping event.”

The Queen Extravaganza will bring the glorious music and live experience of Queen to a new generation of fans in cities across the US in 2012.

“It’s going to be spectacular” says Taylor. “It’s going to be very visual, there are going to be some shocks and some tremendous surprises. It will be a rock celebration in the royal tradition.”

Beginning September 19, Taylor will launch a North American talent search via to find players for a 5-piece band and three vocalists who will carry the tour. Taylor is fully hands-on in the creation of The Extravaganza, taking the role of producer and music director.

Coming on board to ensure the touring show will match the design and excitement of Queen at its best will be such rock tour heavyweights as stage designer Mark Fisher (U2, AC/DC, Muse, The Rolling Stones, Cirque de Soleil) and lighting designer Rob Sinclair (Adele, Vampire Weekend, Goldfrapp, Peter Gabriel), and for the auditions, Roger Taylor and a panel of renowned musicians.

The audition process involves two video audition rounds to be judged by both a panel of appointed judges and the public. Taylor will be present to judge the final audition round, which will be held live in Los Angeles in early December. In addition, VEVO, the world’s leading music video and entertainment platform, will unveil exclusive content from each audition round as well as and The Queen Extravaganza finals.

In a special tribute, VEVO will also showcase classic Queen videos including “Bohemian Rhapsody,” “Another One Bites The Dust,” “We Will Rock You,” “Under Pressure,” “We Are The Champions,” Fat Bottomed Girls,” “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” and “You’re My Best Friend” across their platform over the next few weeks.

Taylor, a man whose drum skills and songwriting talents have contributed to over 300 million record sales and over 700 live concerts in every part of the world, says: “There are great musicians everywhere, and this is a really exciting challenge for us to try and unearth some of those musicians from the US.”

The Queen Extravaganza audition launch goes live September 19 at

Here we are.
Born to be kings.
We're the princes of the universe!

A.Q.F.C.V. - Austrian Queen Fan Club Vienna
Made In Heaven
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Re: The Queen Extravaganza

Beitrag von queenrocks »

Exklusiv-Interview von Roger Taylor mit dem Rolling Stones Magazine vom 19.09.2011:

Exclusive: Queen Putting Together Own Tribute Band for 2012 Tour
'If our music is being played live while we’re still alive I’d like it to be done with our stamp of approval,' says Roger Taylor

Queen drummer Roger Taylor was recently in his hometown when he saw a poster that caught his attention. "It said, 'Queen on stage,'" Taylor tells Rolling Stone. "I saw in the very hall where we used to play and there's just the quite bad picture of a band. There are so many of these tribute bands and then there are like orchestral concerts going on featuring music. A lot of these things are not up to scratch and so we want to do it properly."

Assembling a tribute tour worthy of an iconic act – a group that remains so popular late lead singer Freddie Mercury was honored on Google's home page a few weeks ago on what would have been his sixty-fifth birthday – is a daunting task. But Taylor thinks he's found an innovative solution to, as he puts it, "keep Queen's music alive." The drummer is enlisting the public's help, putting together an online competition to find the group for Queen Extravaganza, a 2012 trek that will feature a band playing Queen's music combined with unseen footage and a production spectacle. Beginning Monday September 19th, people who think they have what it takes to play Brian May's guitar riffs in "Sheer Heart Attack" or do their best Mercury vocals on "Bohemian Rhapsody" can upload their auditions to .

It's a daring venture, but one that Taylor hopes will become a lasting way to deal with the fact that as Queen's legacy and legend has continued to grow over the last two decades, they've had to try different ways to tour after Mercury's 1991 death. The most successful were the treks they did with Paul Rogers, but Taylor thinks those might be done.

Rolling Stone spoke with Taylor about the ongoing love for Queen's music, his own musical future, some of his favorite Queen non-hits, and what fans can expect when the Extravaganza hits the road in 2012.

It's a very interesting and daring concept for The Queen Extravaganza, which isn't everything Queen did extravagant?
I'm very glad you think that. Also, we thought Extravaganza was the perfect name for something produced by Queen (laughs). Essentially we're producing our own show using our own footage and production values to make a show because let's face it, we're getting a little long in the tooth, but there are an awful lot of tribute bands, some of them good, some of them not good. And we put together something that we felt was purely extraordinary.

You mention being long in the tooth, but you guys have still been active as a band and toured with other vocalists.
Absolutely, even last week Brian [May] and I did a charity thing for Freddie's birthday, we had Jeff Beck, which was fantastic, and a lot of other guys, the guy from Keane, Tom Chaplin. So we can still do it, but I don't really think I want to travel around the world doing it anymore. And, of course, not having Freddie has always made it difficult for the last 20 years. It's a big hurdle, [but] this is a way of keeping our music alive and doing it to our standards.

Will you be involved at all then musically in the Queen Extravaganza?
We're putting the show together now, so what I wanted to do is leave sort of places in the show which Brian and myself could roll up and do a turn, maybe if we're starting a run somewhere exciting. So that would be an option, but, in general, this show will not feature a Queen band member.

To this point you haven't seen any auditions yet, so which aspects are you finding fascinating?
What I'm doing at the moment is actually designing the show, choosing the songs, the song combination, the order of the show, and designing the lights with all our people here. And also, choosing whatever pieces of film and effects we want to use. But, as you say, the actual audition process hasn't started yet. [But] I'm quite convinced that there are tens of thousands of kids, of really talented people, in their bedrooms around the world playing drums, playing guitar, and singing. And I want to find some of those people. And of course we want young people because we're no longer young (laughs). So we'd like really great looking guys to be in this band. Obviously they have to be really good musicians and we're quite convinced that they're out there.

Do you envision this as being an ongoing show beyond next year?
In an ideal world I do and I hope it's a continuing item. We were a very sort of a global band – North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia. All these things are possible so it could be a never ending tour.

Certainly the interest is there, as people can see from the fanfare surrounding Freddie's sixty-fifth birthday.
I've gotta admit, Brian and myself, we're constantly amazed it's all over the radio, certainly here in the U.K. We're honored and lucky people still enjoy the music and it still has resonance today. It's a long time down the road.

You say you're surprised, but you must be very aware of the interest. You couldn't do the show if there wasn't still such a love for the music out there.
Yeah, if we felt that our music had been sort of forgotten or something like that we wouldn't be doing this, it would be a pointless exercise. It's really fulfilling some kind of demand to do that. Not many young people saw Queen live, so this is a chance to do the closest thing and see a very good facsimile.

But you toured extensively with Paul Rodgers.
Yeah, and that was very enjoyable. I like working with Paul. It was never meant to be any more than a temporary thing, but Paul has such a wonderful voice. It was great to do it. It was almost unexpected and it sort of happened organically. I think that phase is finished now.

Is there any chance of special shows with him?
I wouldn't rule it out. In fact I read the other day Paul said he wouldn't mind doing something. If something came up as special, we could maybe do that, maybe the Olympics or something. But I certainly wouldn't rule it out and he is a wonderful singer, there's no doubt about that.

After so many years do you have the perspective to look at it and see why the music is so enduring?
It's a very complicated question. One thing we do have now after all these years is definitely perspective and I would say one of the things that contributed to it is we made a lot of different kinds of record; there was a lot of variety and I think there was quality there. I would say it was quality, but I would also say that the variety of our music. It went from hard rock to almost rockabilly to a little bit funky to grandiose.

As you've been going through the footage and listening to music are there songs you're developing a new appreciation for?
When we made the albums we never made singles, we made the album and then we picked singles. So, at the time I would probably have liked completely different tracks. I want to include non-singles, album tracks; I want to go quite deeply into the catalog. I think there are some real gems that deserve to be in this show so people get a complete spectrum of the band and not just a rerun of the Wembley concert or something.

What are a few of the deep tracks you'd like to include in the show?
For instance, "In The Lap Of The Gods 1 and 2," nutty things like "Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon," "I'm In Love With My Car," going into the catalog really. "You Take My Breath Away," that'll be there. And of course there were some of the later Eighties hits that we had that were bigger hits in Europe, like "Her Kind Of Magic." It'll be a real broad spectrum.

Is the footage previously unseen?
Some of it's never been seen. There's stuff from as early as 1973, and even earlier. We've even got stuff, a little bit of stuff, from 1969, so very, very early. There's black and white stuff and there's big stuff, there's a lot of moments never seen.

What are some of the production surprises people can expect from the show?
That's very difficult. We're not even halfway through the design process really. It's very hard to say, but hopefully there are gonna be surprises and it'll cover all eras of Queen and all the different looks. That's as much as I can say really.

Quelle: Rolling Stone Magazine ... r-20110919
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A.Q.F.C.V. - Austrian Queen Fan Club Vienna
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Re: The Queen Extravaganza

Beitrag von Dr_May »

Idee und Konzept find ich so mal ganz interessant. Die Ergebnisse sollten wir abwarten und vielleicht ist auch mit der Einstellung ran gehen, dass Casting nicht automatisch qualitativ minderwertig bedeuten muss. Letztendlcih hat man ja auch bei WWRY in Sachen Musikerauswahl und Sängerauswahl getroffen, warum sollte das jetzt nicht wieder funktionieren.

Nur schade, dass der Fokus zuerst Stark auf Nordamerika ausgerichtet ist.
Follow that dream

02.10.2008 Mannheim * 04.10.2008 Hannover *07.10.2008 Rotterdam * 08.10.2008 Esch-sur-Alzette * 18.10.2008 Liverpool * 07.11.2008 o2 * 08.11.2008 Wembley
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Re: The Queen Extravaganza

Beitrag von runner70 »

Dr_May hat geschrieben:Idee und Konzept find ich so mal ganz interessant. Die Ergebnisse sollten wir abwarten und vielleicht ist auch mit der Einstellung ran gehen, dass Casting nicht automatisch qualitativ minderwertig bedeuten muss. Letztendlcih hat man ja auch bei WWRY in Sachen Musikerauswahl und Sängerauswahl getroffen, warum sollte das jetzt nicht wieder funktionieren.

Nur schade, dass der Fokus zuerst Stark auf Nordamerika ausgerichtet ist.
Nur doof dass Roger (und auch Brian) JAHRELANG böse gegen Casting Shows wettern und jetzt selber eine machen. Das nene ich Heuchelei. Oder sind sie schon so altersschwach, dass sie vergessen was sie damals gesagt haben?
Und auch schlimm, dass Roger da wohl so viel Energie reinsteckt, dass interessantere Projekte erstmal aus Zeitmangel gecancelt werden.
Zuletzt geändert von runner70 am 25.09.2011 15:59 Uhr, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
All that crap again???? (Freddie Mercury)
Kai Kurgan
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Re: The Queen Extravaganza

Beitrag von Kai Kurgan »

runner70 hat geschrieben:Nur doof dass Roger (und auch BRaiN9 JAHRELANG böse gegen Casting Shows wettern und jetzt selber eine machen. Das nene ich Heuchelei. ODer sind sie schon so altersschwach, dass sie vergessen was sie damals gesagt haben?
Und auch schlimm, dass Roger da wohl so viel Energie reinsteckt, dass interessantere Projekte erstmal aus Zeitmangel gecancelt werden.
Lieber Runner, manchmal finde ich Deinen - ich nenne es mal "Zweckpessimus" schon etwas anstrengend. Aber in diesem Fall bin ich voll an Deiner Seite: DAS ist ein Projekt, das für mich komplett überflüssig ist und an Belanglosigkeit nicht zu überbieten ist. Zumindest EINEN neuen Track hätte man von May und Taylor im Jubi-Jahr vielleicht erwarten dürfen - wenn sie schon keine Konzerte auf die Beine stellen. Nachdem mich die Re-Releases der Alben noch einigermaßen milde gestimmt haben, gerät der Rest der Geburtstagsjahres immer mehr zum Fiasko. Nix Interessantes im Köcher, nur Recycling-Schrott. Meine einzige Hoffnung ruhen jetzt noch auf die Buchveröffentlichungen...
I´m going slightly mad...
Queen Area

Re: The Queen Extravaganza

Beitrag von Hotspace »

Auch, wenn es keiner lesen will: Mit Freddie ist Queen gestorben. Den Nachlass-Verwaltern kann es nicht verweigert werden, sich darum zu bemühen, die Erinnerung an Queen am Leben zu erhalten.

So machen sie es in Bayreuth auch, und eigentlich ist es gut so (Ihr wisst schon, Mozart und so ;-).

Diese Anerkennung der Realität ist sicher besser zu akzeptieren als der aussichtslosen Anspruch "Wir sind Queen" der letzten Jahre.

Mein erster Gedanke bei dieser Nachricht ging allerdings eher in Richtung des berühmten Sacks Reis.
Live At The Bowl
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Re: The Queen Extravaganza

Beitrag von runner70 »

Kai Kurgan hat geschrieben:
runner70 hat geschrieben:Nur doof dass Roger (und auch BRaiN9 JAHRELANG böse gegen Casting Shows wettern und jetzt selber eine machen. Das nene ich Heuchelei. ODer sind sie schon so altersschwach, dass sie vergessen was sie damals gesagt haben?
Und auch schlimm, dass Roger da wohl so viel Energie reinsteckt, dass interessantere Projekte erstmal aus Zeitmangel gecancelt werden.
Lieber Runner, manchmal finde ich Deinen - ich nenne es mal "Zweckpessimus" schon etwas anstrengend. Aber in diesem Fall bin ich voll an Deiner Seite: DAS ist ein Projekt, das für mich komplett überflüssig ist und an Belanglosigkeit nicht zu überbieten ist. Zumindest EINEN neuen Track hätte man von May und Taylor im Jubi-Jahr vielleicht erwarten dürfen - wenn sie schon keine Konzerte auf die Beine stellen. Nachdem mich die Re-Releases der Alben noch einigermaßen milde gestimmt haben, gerät der Rest der Geburtstagsjahres immer mehr zum Fiasko. Nix Interessantes im Köcher, nur Recycling-Schrott. Meine einzige Hoffnung ruhen jetzt noch auf die Buchveröffentlichungen...
Amen - so seh ichs auch!
All that crap again???? (Freddie Mercury)
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Re: The Queen Extravaganza

Beitrag von Dr_May »

Aber was ist mit dem Argument von Roger, dass er vielleicht im Moment wenig selbst Interesse hat in der Zukunft zu touren bzw ausgiebig über die Kontinente zu touren. (So we can still do it, but I don't really think I want to travel around the world doing it anymore.)

Und mal ganz ehrlich, ist das nicht eine Gelegenheit wovon jeder Queen-Fan träumt, vor Roger vorzuspielen. Ich glaube, dass da bei der Auswahl der Musiker als auch der Sänger auf die Qualität geachtet wird. Und das ist doch egal, ob da eine Kamera dabei ist oder nicht.
Follow that dream

02.10.2008 Mannheim * 04.10.2008 Hannover *07.10.2008 Rotterdam * 08.10.2008 Esch-sur-Alzette * 18.10.2008 Liverpool * 07.11.2008 o2 * 08.11.2008 Wembley
Live At The Bowl
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Re: The Queen Extravaganza

Beitrag von runner70 »

Dr_May hat geschrieben: Ich glaube, dass da bei der Auswahl der Musiker als auch der Sänger auf die Qualität geachtet wird. Und das ist doch egal, ob da eine Kamera dabei ist oder nicht.
Jo die Bewerbungen strotzen nur so vor Talent - eben ne Freakshow wie DSDS kein Deut besser ... r_embedded
All that crap again???? (Freddie Mercury)
Made In Heaven
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Re: The Queen Extravaganza

Beitrag von Galileo »

Gene Simmons von Kiss spielt mit dem Gedanken, eine handvoll guter talentierter Musiker in die Kostüme zu stecken, und als Kiss auf Tour zu schicken.
Ich dachte nur noch, das diesen Scheiß doch keine Sau dann interessieren würde.
Etwas ähnliches schein dieses Extravaganza zu werden. Castingshow, TV, Kohle usw....die Katze fällt auf die gleichen Füße - wer will bitte so nen Scheiß sehen?
Live At The Bowl
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Re: The Queen Extravaganza

Beitrag von runner70 »

Galileo hat geschrieben:Gene Simmons von Kiss spielt mit dem Gedanken, eine handvoll guter talentierter Musiker in die Kostüme zu stecken, und als Kiss auf Tour zu schicken.
Ich dachte nur noch, das diesen Scheiß doch keine Sau dann interessieren würde.
Etwas ähnliches schein dieses Extravaganza zu werden. Castingshow, TV, Kohle usw....die Katze fällt auf die gleichen Füße - wer will bitte so nen Scheiß sehen?
Mit dem Unterschied dass Kiss noch nicht so weit gesunken sind und das auch machen. DIe TOuren 2012 wenigstens wieder.,......
All that crap again???? (Freddie Mercury)
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