Adam Lambert als neuer Frontmann bei Queen?

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Miss Moneypenny
The Works
The Works
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Registriert: 10.05.2004 16:02 Uhr
Wohnort: Berlin

Adam Lambert als neuer Frontmann bei Queen?

Beitrag von Miss Moneypenny »

Brian & Roger sind ja vor kurzem bei dem Finale von American Idol aufgetreten. Zusammen mit den 2 Finalisten. Das hat wohl Früchte getragen:

"Is Glambert The New Freddie Mercury???

Talk about a match made in heaven!

Publicly closeted homosexual, Adam Lambert, and Queen???

After Lambert's performance with the rock legends on the American Idol finale last week, Queen guitarist Brian May told Rolling Stone magazine that the band is toying around with the idea of Glambert becoming Queen's permanent frontman!


Says May: "…[Drummer Roger Taylor] and I are definitely hoping to have a meaningful conversation with [Lambert] at some point. It's not like we, as Queen, would rush into coalescing with another singer just like that. It isn't that easy. But I'd certainly like to work with Adam. That is one amazing instrument he has there."

It just goes to show that losing American Idol can be more beneficial than winning in the long run!

Glamberella's got quite the career in front of him!"

Ich denke mal, dass die Frontmann Sache etwas überzogen ist, aber es wird sicher eine Zusammenarbeit geben.
Was meint ihr? Wie findet Ihr überhaupt Adam?

Liebe Grüße.
"Darling, I'm simply dripping with money. It may sound vulgar but it's wonderful! All I want from life is to make lots of money and spend it." :smt112
Beiträge: 1988
Registriert: 16.12.2004 13:59 Uhr
Wohnort: Franken

Beitrag von Christina »

Die Diskussion läuft bereits an anderer Stelle. Siehe unter "the very end of a long voyage". :wink:
Miss Moneypenny
The Works
The Works
Beiträge: 404
Registriert: 10.05.2004 16:02 Uhr
Wohnort: Berlin

Beitrag von Miss Moneypenny »

hehe... :oops:
"Darling, I'm simply dripping with money. It may sound vulgar but it's wonderful! All I want from life is to make lots of money and spend it." :smt112
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