Lose Yourself...

Infos und Aktuelles über die Touren von Queen+ und Solo

Moderatoren: Andreas Streng, Breakthru, Dr_May

The Spick
Live At The Bowl
Live At The Bowl
Beiträge: 2584
Registriert: 14.04.2004 21:57 Uhr
Wohnort: zuhause

Lose Yourself...

Beitrag von The Spick »


Bei den Konzerten wird vorab Eminems "Lose Yourself" gespielt. Das muss ja einen Grund haben. Nach l
A Kind Of Magic
A Kind Of Magic
Beiträge: 598
Registriert: 17.12.2004 02:21 Uhr
Wohnort: Munich

Beitrag von Wolfman »

Ich habe mir sagen lassen, das dieser Song auch mit Lampenfieber
And there you have it.
Beiträge: 1988
Registriert: 16.12.2004 13:59 Uhr
Wohnort: Franken

Beitrag von Christina »

Soviel ich wei
Formerly known as "Eliza"
A Kind Of Magic
A Kind Of Magic
Beiträge: 676
Registriert: 21.11.2004 16:44 Uhr
Wohnort: Austria

Beitrag von candyfloss »

Auch Brian mag ihn, wie in der Soapbox vom 19. November 2004 zu lesen ist:


My Eminem story was great.

I was rehearsing for the Fender "Brat Pack" concert in a barn somewhere, and got a call from our manager saying ... Eminem's manager wants to have a private conversation with you and play you a track. He can't send you the track because he doesn't trust it out of his sight. The only way was if we could meet where I was working, so I asked if that would be possible. An hour later the Biggest Blackest Mercedes limousine pulls up outside the building, with windows so blacked out you could swear they were made of blackened steel. Out gets a big, immaculately black suited, black man with a lot of jewellery, who shakes my hand. I felt very important indeed!! He has a twinkle in his eye. We get in the back of the car, and he plays me this track, called "Puke", evidently written around Eminem's feelings about his ex-wife. I laughed all the way through ... as the car bounced to the whacking great beat kicked out by its sound system. "Eminem wants to know if you're happy with the use of the We Will Rock You sample", he says quietly. The sound of our stomps and claps seems strangely evocative in a new way as used on this track, so I say with total honesty "I thought you were going to ask me something difficult! I'm completely happy". I'm also happy that these guys actually had the courtesy and decency to ask. Quite a few people recently have tried to get away with stealing the sample. I say this also. The big man says thanks, and that Eminem wants to say hi next time they're coming through ... and we discuss a couple of other things ... because this is not the first time we have had thoughts about the briliant Slim Shady guy. Then we shake hands, and the gleaming car whisks Eminem's manager off to his next appointment.

It was one of those moments you treasure ... like a small movie clip. Yep, I can still get impressed!!!

I didn't want to say anything until the track was out ... but .... It's a lot of fun. I downloaded it already !! (Paid of course! )


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