
Die Tour 2016 von Queen + Adam Lambert umfasst nicht nur Festivals. Jetzt sind auch Einzelkonzerte in Italien und Deutschland hinzugekommen.
Am 27.05.2016 wird die Band ein Open-Air im Rhein Energie Stadion in Köln geben.
Der VVK zu diesem Konzert startet am 25.11.2015 um 10:00 Uhr über

Alle Termine unter Queen + Adam Lambert

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Vier Tage Rabatt im November

Hier die Reden von Joe Satriani und Brian May zur Verleihung des Living Legends Award im Rahmen der Classic Rock Roll Of Honour Awards am 11.11.2015 in London.

Die us-amerikanische Radioshow "InTheStudio" hat ein Special über A Night At The Opera herausgebracht.
Die Show kannn über angehört werden.
Hier der englische Pressetext:

A Night At The Opera InTheStudio

Queen’s Gamble On A Night At The Opera Pays Off Royally

Dallas, TX - November 17, 2015.  North American syndicated Rock radio show and website InTheStudio: The Stories Behind History’s Greatest Rock Bands speaks to Queen songwriters, guitarist Brian May and drummer Roger Taylor, about the make or break fourth album from Queen A Night at the Opera.

It would be next to impossible to understate the importance of Queen’s November 1975 A Night at the Opera, both to the band’s career and to the album’s influence on rock thereafter. Brian May, one of the finest guitarists in rock history, is joined InTheStudio by Queen drummer Roger Taylor in this classic rock interview for the 40th anniversary of this eclectic hard rock album which included: “Death on Two Legs”, “I’m in Love with My Car”, the progressive rock “The Prophet Song”, skiffle pub sing along “ ’39” , mainstream pop “You’re My Best Friend”, campy vaudeville “Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon”, Freddie Mercury’sdrop dead gorgeous love song “Love of My Life” , and the mock operetta song for the ages “Bohemian Rhapsody”.

Broke after three albums, Queen’s Brian May reveals to InTheStudio host Redbeard how desperate the band’s situation was, but also how determined they were to do it.
“It was definitely sink or swim. If that album (A Night at the Opera) hadn’t done what it did, that would have been the end of the band... We took a lot of risks and that was always the name of the game, I suppose. And “Bohemian Rhapsody”, in particular, everyone said, ‘you can’t put that out as a single’... Well that’s what we’re putting out and we’re not changing it.”  - Brian May

QUEEN A Night at the Opera @ 40 /InTheStudio interview is available now to STREAM at:

Direct Link to InTheStudio broadcast affiliate radio station list:

Die Vinyl-Single von Bohemian Rhapsody wird auch beim Black Friday am 27.11.2015 in Deutschland gelistet.
Alle Veröffentlichungen gibt es unter Black Friday 2015.
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