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Unter der Adresse http://www.columbiarecords.com/aknightstale/tracks.html gibt es einen Ausschnitt (30 Sekunden) von "We Are The Champions" von Robbie Williams + Queen als Wave- oder RealAudio-Datei zum downloaden.

Folgender Artikel findet sich in den Ruhr-Nachrichten vom 27.04. im Bereich "Ticket":
Robbie singt mit Queen
Laut dem "Mirror" hat Robbie Williams einen Song mit der britischen Rocklegende Queen eingespielt. Vor kurzem haben sich Mr.Williams und die Queen-Mitglieder Brian May, John Deacon und Roger Taylor im Studio eingefunden, um gemeinsam eine neue Version des 77-er Hits "We Are The Champions" für den Soundtrack zum Film "A Knight’s Tale" aufzunehmen. pa

    Die britische Zeitschrift "The Sun" meldete gestern unter http://www.thesun.co.uk/bizarre/:

    Robbie ruined our song - he’s no Freddie, says Queen bassist

    Attack ... John Deacon

    QUEEN’S John Deacon has blasted Robbie Williams saying he’s not good enough to replace Freddie Mercury and sing with the band.
    Robbie was to take Freddie’s place with John, Roger Taylor and Brian May to record a special version of the classic hit We Are The Champions.
    But John refused because he thought Robbie ruined the song and could never replace Freddie, who died in 1991. Instead just Robbie, Roger and Brian recorded the track - a No2 hit for Queen in 1977 - at a secret location in Surrey for the soundtrack of new movie A Knight’s Tale.
    John says: "Roger and Brian got together to do the song with Robbie Williams but I told them I had retired. "I didn’t want to be involved with it and I’m glad. I’ve heard what they did and it’s rubbish.
    "It is one of the greatest songs ever written but I think they’ve ruined it. I don’t want to be nasty but let’s just say Robbie Williams is no Freddie Mercury. Freddie can never be replaced - and certainly not by him."
    John also scuppered a plan for Robbie to front a re-formed Queen with the surviving members.
    The bassist made his cutting comments at the Save Popbitch party - an event to raise money for the internet gossip site. I was surprised to see him at the bash because he hasn’t appeared on the London party scene for years.
    Always regarded as the quiet one in the supergroup, John claims he retired from music when Freddie died.
    Bandmates Roger and Brian carry on and recorded We Will Rock You with boyband Five last year.
    MEANWHILE, Robbie has jetted out to Los Angeles to record the video for new single The Road To Mandalay.
    He is going for a radical image change for the video - adopting the Braveheart look.
    His Mel Gibson-style make-over will include a mullet hairdo and breast plate.
    Special make-up artists and costume designers have been hired for the video shoot at a Hollywood movie studio. Robbie is expected to drop in on old pal George Michael during his two-week trip.

Ein kleiner Nachtrag zur untenstehenden Neuigkeit von heute:
VIVA-Text schreibt heute auf Seite 115:
Deacon schlachtet Williams
Autsch. Seinetwegen hat der Queen-Basser nicht an der Neueinspielung von "We Are The Championsquot; teilgenommen. Und über Robbie Williams’ Gesangsleistung findet John Deacon jetzt auch danach nur ätzende Worte... "Was bin ich froh, da nicht mitgemacht zu haben!", sagt Deacon. "Ich habe die Nummer gehört: absoluter Müll! Sie ist einer der allergrößten Songs aller Zeiten, aber die haben sie komplett ruiniert. Freddie wird niemals zu ersetzen sein - und vor allem nicht von Robbie Williams." Das saß!?