Queen 40

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Re: Queen 40

Post by AD »

Die Remasters find ich zumindest als SHM-CDs insgesamt sehr gelungen, was die Optik und den Sound betrifft. Natürlich sind die Bonus-Tracks nicht alle interessant aber es gab ein paar schöne Stücke, die auf mehr hoffen lassen, wenn dann irgendwann mal die Anthology veröffentlicht wird. Verständlich, dass Sie nicht alle interessanten Demos schon mit dieser Veröffentlichung auf den Markt schmeißen wollten. Ansonsten gibts noch die Days of our Lives-Doku und das 40 Jahre Queen-Buch als ausgesprochen positiv zu vermelden.
Von daher find ich die Queen-Bilanz im Jubiläums-Jahr auch gar nicht mal soo schlecht!
Der Auftritt bei MTV war natürlich in mancher Hinsicht peinlich und auch ärgerlich aber so was gab es eben auch schon früher einmal (mit Five).

Von daher sehe ich jetzt noch keinen totalen Abwärtstrend.

Die Demos mit M. Jackson find ich allerdings auch nicht so prickelnd. Jackson ist Freddie ohnehin stimmlich um Lichtjahre unterlegen. Daher klingt "There must be more in life than this" auch ohne Jackson viel besser als mit ihm (wäre eigentlich auch ein interessanter Song für "Made in Heaven" gewesen) und "State of Shock" ist als Song nicht besonders ernst zu nehmen. "Victory" kenn ich allerdings noch nicht.

Re: Queen 40

Post by Hotspace »

Dr_May wrote:Schon toll, wenn "Fans" Ruhestand fordern. Die beiden entscheiden noch immer für sich selbst, und das ist auch gut so.
Ich befürchte, Du hast Recht, dass die beiden das für sich selbst entscheiden. Für eine Entmündigung reichen die Tatbestände immer noch nicht.

Niemand will sie in den Ruhestand schicken, aber etwas mehr Stil und Respekt vor dem Mythos Queen darf man erwarten. Die Gründungsmitglieder haben zwar das Recht, aber nicht die Pflicht, ihr eigenes Werk zu entwerten, dem aktuellen Trend hinterherzulaufen und sich zu Witzfiguren zu machen.

Übrigens: wenn Du "Fans" in Anführungsstrichen markierst, meinst Du ja wohl, dass diejenigen das nicht wären? Eine unverschämte Anmaßung, die Dir als "Moderator" nicht gut zu Gesicht steht.
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Re: Queen 40

Post by queenrocks »

Press Release: Days Of Our Lives DVD/Blu-Ray Release

16th November 2011


Released 28th November – Universal Music

"This fantastic and moving two-parter tells the story of the finest live band in the history of rock. There's archive footage of past performances, interviews with the members and, best of all, plenty of insider anecdotes; the choicest being Elton John's reaction to Bohemian Rhapsody: "Are you off your head? You'll never get that played." The Guardian.

In 1971, four college students got together to form a rock band.

Since then, that certain band called Queen have released 26 albums and sold over 300 million records worldwide. The popularity of Freddie Mercury, Brian May, Roger Taylor and John Deacon is stronger than ever 40 years on. This past weekend in front of an estimated TV audience of 1.2 billion they were honoured with the Global Icon Award at the 2011 MTV EMA.

But for Queen the journey was no bed of roses. No pleasure cruise. Queen had their share of kicks in the face, but they came through - and this is how they did it.  

Set against a backdrop of brilliant music and stunning live performances from every corner of the globe, Queen: ‘Days of Our Lives’ - available in both Blu-Ray and standard DVD formats, released 28th November through Universal Music, brings Queen’s 40th Anniversary year to a close in suitably regal style.

‘Days Of Our Lives’ began as a two-part documentary produced by long-term Queen collaborators and life long fans Rhys Thomas (the comedian who famously broke the Mastermind all time record points score with a specialist subject of Queen) and Simon Lupton, and directed by the renowned director Matt Casey.   After 10 years of making Queen DVDs, Lupton and Thomas were asked by the band to produce the definitive 40th Anniversary documentary and after almost a year of painstaking research and editing, this was the result.   

Split over two episodes, Part One covering 1970-80, Part Two 1980 – present day, the documentary is a genuine rollercoaster of rock and roll history.    

In this film, for the first time, it is the band that tells their story. Featuring brand new interviews with Brian May and Roger Taylor and unseen archive footage - including their recently unearthed first ever TV performance - it is a compelling story told with intelligence, wit, plenty of humour and painful honesty.

Rhys Thomas comments, “We set out to make the definitive Queen documentary. It's a funny, honest, inspiring and ultimately tragic account of ‘a certain band called Queen’, as told by the band themselves. We tell the story of four students who met in West London, slogged hard and conquered the world, ultimately changing rock music forever.”

When originally broadcast in the UK on BBC 2 across two nights in May of this year, ‘Queen: Days of Our Lives’ was the highest rated TV show on in its slot, beating every other channel and peaking with 3 million viewers.  It has been widely regarded as one of the finest rock documentaries made and the critical reaction was outstanding. “Funny that,” says Thomas, “considering Queen were always denounced by the press!”

Say Queen’s Brian May: “The Boys did a fantastic Job on this documentary ... with little interference from us !   I think this one will set the bench mark for years to come.”

Thomas explains the transfer of the original BBC documentary to DVD release: “When originally making the series it wasn’t easy condensing 40 years of Queen down to just two hours.  In fact, there was so much more to be said and so much more to be seen. Thanks to Blu-Ray and DVD, so much more of that story can now be told". 

“As the two documentaries worked so well, we resisted the idea of making an epic 3-hour ‘Extended Cut’. They are always boring, and as Freddie said to his manager Jim Beach in his last days: “Do anything you want with my music dear, but never make me boring!

“So rather than simply dump a load of ‘deleted scenes’ onto the DVD and Blu-Ray, Simon and I decided to edit them all with as much love, time and care as we put into the main documentary. What we have as a result is a great companion to the main story and some real gems, most notably covering the formation of the band and the making of the last three albums which was only touched upon in the televised version. For instance, we learn from Brian how John Deacon made a cut in ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ for the record company and Freddie’s reaction;  the revelation that Freddie was not sober during the making of ‘Spread Your Wings’/’We Will Rock You’ in Roger’s back garden, and a hilarious sequence about Queen and their love of Scrabble.

“As well as the new sequences, there are 7 new videos.  Excerpts were featured in the main documentary, but we have completed them, and here on DVD and Blu- Ray they appear in full.”

The Blu-Ray format allows for additional bonus material and therefore differs in content to the Standard DVD release.  Please check credits for each release. 

‘Queen: Days of our Lives’ Blu-Ray & Standard DVD content descriptions:

Documentary Part 1 – 59 mins

Documentary Part 2 – 59 mins.

ADDITIONAL VIDEOS – Blu-Ray and Standard DVD (24 mins):

Seven Seas Of Rhye 2011: A compilation of all four Top Of The Pops and Rainbow Live performances from 1974 – all unseen

Killer Queen 2011: A compilation of two Top of The Pops performances, one the familiar 1974 Christmas Special, the other - discovered in the late British comedian Dick Emery’s private collection, hasn’t been seen since 1974, the original master tape wiped from the BBC archives.

Somebody To Love 2011: This is a new edit of the video using the four takes shot on the day, most of which has never before been seen. 

We Are The Champions 2011: In 1977, cameras filmed Queen recording a new version of the song for the promo video.  This video shows the band performing and mixing this unreleased version in two live takes. An instrumental version of this closed Part One of ‘Days of our Lives’.  Here for the first time the video can be seen in its entirety.

Crazy Little Thing Called Love 2011: A new edit of the video compiled from the rushes including outtakes and unseen angles.

Under Pressure 2011: A new video intercutting Queen’s first live performance of the song in Montreal 81 and Queen + David Bowie at the Freddie Mercury Tribute. 

Radio Ga Ga 2011: This new video includes unseen colour footage from the 1984 Radio Ga Ga video shoot plus rushes and outtakes.

BONUS SEQUENCES – Blu-Ray (59 mins) / Standard DVD (21 mins only):

Queen: The Beginning: A detailed look at how Queen formed in 1971. Covering Smile, finding John Deacon, and the early struggles of the band.

Queen On Tour 1974-5: Featuring Queen at the Rainbow and unseen footage of the band touring Japan for the first time. Includes excerpts of ‘Now I’m Here’, ‘Killer Queen’ and ‘In The Lap Of The Gods’ live.

Bohemian Rhapsody:Brian reveals how John Deacon made a cut in ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ for the record company, only to be dismissed by Freddie:  “Either it’s released in it’s entirety or not at all!.”

Working Together: The Band discuss their working relationship, including unheard archive of Queen having a ‘creative discussion!’ 

Leaving John Reid: An in-depth account of how the band left manager John Reid and set up Queen Productions – plus the revelation that Freddie was not sober during the making of ‘Spread Your Wings’/’We Will Rock You’ in Roger’s back garden. 

Don’t Stop Me Now: Brian and Roger discuss ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’ and the ‘Guitar Version’ discarded by Freddie.

Flash Gordon: A short sequence on the making of Queen’s first film soundtrack, ‘Flash Gordon’, plus an alternate promo video.

Making Videos: The band discuss the video making process, featuring lots of unseen outtakes. 

Scrabble Wars: A hilarious sequence about Queen and their love of Scrabble. You will just have to watch!

From Magic to The Miracle: In the three years between ‘A Kind Of Magic’ and ‘The Miracle’, the members of Queen went through some life changing experiences in their working and personal lives. This chapter sheds light on what went on behind closed doors.

Going Slightly Mad: The Making of Innuendo: In 1991 Queen hit the charts with a No.1 album and single, ‘Innuendo.’  Creatively the band were reinvigorated, their material better than ever, but beneath the surface, they all had to face the fact that Freddie was seriously ill and time was running out.

Made In Heaven: Roger and Brian talk about the making of the last Queen album, ‘Made In Heaven’, working with Freddie in his final weeks, as well and working with the material he had recorded after he had passed away and the emotional distress it caused.

Return To Imperial: Brian returns to Imperial College and shows us around the college where he and Roger first met, formed Smile and ultimately Queen. 

BONUS INTERVIEWS -  Blu-Ray (19 mins).  Not included on Standard DVD:

The Bonus Interview section contains various interesting, funny and insightful footage that didn’t fit into any particular sequence but was too great to leave on the cutting room floor.

Queen: ‘Days Of Our Lives’  

Formats: Blu-Ray / Standard DVD (Versions differ)

Available from 28th November 2011 

Format Contents:


Documentary Part 1 – 59 mins

Documentary Part 2 – 59 mins

Additional Videos – 24 mins

Seven Seas Of Rhye 2011

Killer Queen 2011

Somebody To Love 2011

We Are The Champions 2011

Crazy Little Thing Called Love 2011

Under Pressure 2011

Radio Ga Ga 2011

Bonus Sequences - 59 mins

Queen: The Beginning

Queen On Tour 1974-5

Bohemian Rhapsody

Working Together

Leaving John Reid

Don’t Stop Me Now

Flash Gordon

Making Videos

Scrabble Wars

From Magic to The Miracle

Going Slightly Mad: The Making of Innuendo

Made In Heaven

Return To Imperial

Bonus Interviews – 19 mins. Not included on standard DVD


Documentary Part 1 – 59 mins

Documentary Part 2 – 59 mins

Additional Videos – 24 mins

Seven Seas Of Rhye 2011

Killer Queen 2011

Somebody To Love 2011

We Are The Champions 2011

Crazy Little Thing Called Love 2011

Under Pressure 2011

Radio Ga Ga 2011

Bonus Sequences - 21 mins

From Magic to The Miracle

Made In Heaven

Going Slightly Mad: The

Making of Innuendo

‘Days of Our Lives’ – Original BBC 2 broadcast quotes: 

"This evocative chronological profile is strong on anecdote, performance and unseen footage, with astute and amusing contributions from John Deacon, Brian May and Roger Taylor - the surviving champions of the world." Sunday Times.

"A rich colourful history celebrated here in this essential documentary". The Times Weekend

"This film celebrates (Queen’s) career, picking apart their grandiose approach to making music which singled them out as a satin-robed breath of air at a time of denim-clad rock." Mail on Sunday.

Product Details:


Format: DVD-9

Standard: NTSC

Region Code: Playable in all Regions

Audio: Dolby Digital Stereo (documentaries) LPCM (Videos)

Duration: 164 minutes


Format: Blu-Ray 50

Standard: 1080i 59.94 (NTSC)

Region Code: Playable in all Regions

Audio: LPCM

Duration: 221 minutes

 Quelle: Queenonline.com
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Re: Queen 40

Post by Hotspace »

Sorry, wer soll das alles lesen? Manchmal reicht vielleicht ein Link auf den Originaltext?
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Re: Queen 40

Post by runner70 »

Hotspace wrote:Sorry, wer soll das alles lesen? Manchmal reicht vielleicht ein Link auf den Originaltext?
der dann genau zu diesem Text führt der oben steht und den man dann genauso lesen muss/kann ?!?! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

danke für die info queenrocks.
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Re: Queen 40

Post by queenrocks »

Danke runner! :D
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Re: Queen 40

Post by queenrocks »

"Scrabble Wars" vom "Days Of Our Lives" Blu-Ray Bonus Material
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... w4ztyeOzNQ
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Re: Queen 40

Post by queenrocks »

Die Ausstellung "Stormtroopers In Stilettos" wird vom 21.11.2011 bis 11.12.2011 in Japan gezeigt. Unter dem Titel "Queen Forever" wird die Ausstellung in der "Tokyo Tower Ground Floor Exibition Hall" in Tokyo gezeigt. Dabei sind die meisten Teile von der Ausstellung in London sowie viele neue Exponate zu bewundern.
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Re: Queen 40

Post by runner70 »

queen rocks wrote:Die Ausstellung "Stormtroopers In Stilettos" wird vom 21.11.2011 bis 11.12.2011 in Japan gezeigt. Unter dem Titel "Queen Forever" wird die Ausstellung in der "Tokyo Tower Ground Floor Exibition Hall" in Tokyo gezeigt. Dabei sind die meisten Teile von der Ausstellung in London sowie viele neue Exponate zu bewundern.
Hoffe ja doch noch auf Deutschland!!!
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Re: Queen 40 - Queen neu aufgelegt

Post by Juan »

... aus den Medien ..:

Queen neu aufgelegt

http://www.zeit.de/news/2011-09/29/musi ... t-29191405
Last edited by Juan on 04.12.2011 01:39 Uhr, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Queen 40

Post by MAYniac »

Reichlich Bonusmaterial? Wo kann ich diese CDs (und auch dieses Work 3 Album) kaufen?
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Re: Queen 40

Post by runner70 »

Na dann doch noch ein versöhnlicher Ausklang 2011. Die Doku und das Bonusmaterial ist ja wohl das Beste seit Urzeiten. Alleine das neue "(Making Of) Radio Gaga- Video ist den Preis alleine wert. Die Jungs hatten da Megaspass!!!!
Hat das Ding denn keiner oder nur zu faul drüber zu schreiben????? Das war das erste Mal seit langer Zeit dass ich wieder (fast) so ein Queenfan war/bin wie früher. Und es (leider) immer wieder deutlich wird wer mehr als 25% Queen war/ist.........
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Re: Queen 40

Post by runner70 »

MAYniac wrote:Reichlich Bonusmaterial? Wo kann ich diese CDs (und auch dieses Work 3 Album) kaufen?
Und das in "Die Zeit" - peinlich peinlich diese "seriösen" Journos
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Re: Queen 40

Post by Guido »

Ich finde die Doku auch mehr als gelungen. Ist wirklich das Beste der letzten Jahre. Soviel Bonusmaterial gabs lange nicht mehr. Mehr davon. :D
Brian May Another World Tour 1998
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Post by ogre.t.raylor »

runner70 wrote:
Dr_May wrote:Hätte man diese Ankündigung nicht ein klein wenig früher machen können?
Jetzt kommt im November das Live At Wembley Stadium Super Deluxe Package.
Photo book featuring rare photos from the Wembley show

2 Disc CD set

2 Disc DVD set

Replica concert tickets, VIP passes and laminates

Re-print of the Wembley Show Tour Admat

Hand Drawn 1986 Tour Map by Harold May (Brian May's Father)

Replica Wembley Stadium “Friends Will Be Friends” Soccer Scarf

Replica Hawaiian (Button down) tour shirt

12” Inflatable Freddie Mercury Cartoon Character

Flight case style packaging.

Kaum sag ich es kommt nichts mehr gescheites kommt sowas - sehr geil. Hoffentlich nicht so horrend teuer wie die U2/Ozzy/Alice Cooper Boxen in letzter Zeit (weit über 100 Ocken) Sieht geil aus!
Habe heute den Roadie Cube bekommen und bin mehr als begeistert :!:
Habe nicht mit so einem großen Teil gerechnet. Auf den Bildern sieht er nicht so groß aus. Ist aber ein Würfel mit ca. 30cm Kantenlänge.
Tolle Optik mit Metallverschlüssen und toller Inhalt.
Hat sich auf jedenfall gelohnt.
Könnte nur Platzmäßig etwas schwierig werden den irgendwo unterzubringen.
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