Hier eine aktuelle englische Pressemitteilung der holländischen Coverband "Miracle":

Miracle on "Islandic" Broadway

After an extremely successful Icelandic mini tour in November 2004, Miracle, the Dutch Queen cover band will return up North again for several gigs to Iceland Nnder the denomination "Miracle on Ice" The "Icelandic" Broadway theatre will be the scenery for a whirling show. On Friday the 7th and Saturday the 8th of October Miracle will give two performances in this amazing club. Besides that there’s an acoustic session for the Icelandic Queen fan club planned on early Saturday evening, Also visits to several tv and radio stations are programmed. Miracle also played with loads of success in England and Belgium.
Recently the band played with Queen producer David Richards at a workshop for more than 200 outrageous Queen fans in Montreux. Next on the programme there’s a private gig in Lausanne on the 22nd of September.